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Review article

2014; 7(6): 281-290

Published online December 1, 2014 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Copyright © Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute.

Yin and Yang Surfaces: An Evolutionary Perspective

David Legge*

School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia

Correspondence to:David Legge

Received: February 13, 2014; Revised: July 17, 2014; Accepted: July 18, 2014



A search of the Chinese medicine literature reveals several conflicting explanations of the division of the body into yin and yang surfaces. This paper attempts to clarify this basic concept and reconcile the differing descriptions of it through an exploration of material from other disciplines. A remarkable similarity exists between the surfaces on the human body that are defined by the pathways of the yin and yang meridians and those that have evolved from the ventral and the dorsal aspects of early vertebrate structure. Many of the evolutionary changes described have parallels in our embryological development and are evident in the underlying anatomy of our limbs. The degree of convergence between the two descriptions strongly supports the definition of the yin and yang surfaces as those traversed by the yin and yang meridians. It also goes a long way towards reconciling the conflicting definitions found in the literature. Finding a solution to this question of yin and yang surfaces that is based on anatomy and evolutionary theories has several advantages. It can throw light on differences in the clinical effects of points on the yin and yang meridians and enable the identification of anomalies in the pathways of the main meridian network.

Keywords: acupuncture, biological evolution, comparative anatomy, meridians, yin/yang

1. Introduction

The concept of yin and yang representing the two archetypical or universal polarities [1] is a fundamental principle of Chinese medicine [2]. It is particularly relevant to the practice of acupuncture.

On the whole, the two terms are applied in a coherent and consistent manner. For instance, when applied to the whole body, the top is yang, whereas the bottom is yin [3,4]; the inside is yin, whereas the outside is yang [4,5]; the zang or solid organs are yin compared with the fu or hollow organs, which are yang [6,7].

The concept of yin and yang is also often applied to the surface of the body [3,8-10]. However, a review of the literature reveals major inconsistencies in the way this is described in Chinese medicine. The main variations found are as follows:

  • • The back is yang and the abdomen is yin. This is the earliest description found in the Chinese medical literature. It appears in the Su Wen portion of the Huang Di Nei Jing, the foundation text of Chinese medicine [5].

  • • The back is yang and the chest and abdomen are yin [4]

  • • The back of the body is yang and the front of the body is yin. This is usually described in terms of the obvious meanings of front and back [8,9]. That is, when standing straight with the arms hanging by the side and the palms facing forward, the yin surface is everything that is facing forward, or what we can see of ourselves when looking into a full-length mirror. The yang surface is everything that we cannot see. According to this description, the face, chest, abdomen, front of the arms, palms, front of the legs, and the top of the feet are all at the front.

  • • Using the original meanings of yin and yang, which referred to the shady and sunny sides of a hill [11], the yang surface is that on which the sun falls when we are bent over working or on all fours [12]. The yang surface has the darker and hairier skin, which is more exposed to the sun, whereas the yin surface has the softer, paler, and less hirsute skin.

  • • The yin surface of the body is the area traversed by the yin meridians and the yang surface by the yang meridians [4,8,13,14]. This is the more common description in the contemporary literature.

It is difficult to reconcile these descriptions. For instance, every yang meridian begins or ends on the face above the mouth but this area clearly faces the front, away from the sun. The abdomen and chest face the front but have a yang meridian, the stomach, running across them. The dorsal surface of the feet and the front of the thighs, which are dominated by yang meridians, face the front. The soles of the feet face backward or downward but are dominated by a yin meridian, the kidney.

It is not unusual in Chinese medicine for inconsistencies to occur in the various theories postulated in this regard. Some authors explain this tendency by noting that traditional Chinese philosophy embraces paradox [15,16], whereas others put it down to its syncretic nature [17], which means that new theory can be added without being integrated with other parts of the theoretical framework. By contrast, a synthetic approach strives for internal consistency so that if new findings or new theory conflict with an accepted theory, the theoretical framework must be modified to incorporate the new material.

In the case of the yin/yang surfaces, a more synthetic approach that tries to understand the rationale for such a division can clarify its potential clinical utility and help reconcile the different definitions. One way to do this is to examine the body from the perspective of dorsal and ventral derivations.

There is a striking and, in all likelihood, a clinically meaningful convergence between the yin and yang surfaces of the body as defined by the pathways of the yin and yang meridians and the surfaces that have evolved from the ventral and dorsal surfaces of early vertebrate structure. These evolutionary changes are, to a significant degree, mirrored by parallel changes in our own embryological development. This paper is an exploration of this convergence and a discussion of its implications.

Although databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase, and ProQuest were searched using the terms “yin/yang surface” and “evolution of dorsal and ventral surface,” very few useful references were found. Most papers on which this review was based were found by a manual search of texts of Chinese medicine, evolution, and anatomy.

The yin and yang surfaces are defined by the pathways of the yin and yang meridians.

Most modern texts describe the yin surface as that traversed by the yin meridians [3,18,19], and the yang surface as that traversed by the yang meridians. It is not easy to define these in terms of front and back and they are usually described in terms of their orientation and visual characteristics. The yin meridians traverse the softer, paler, less hairy regions of the body, which are found on the front of the trunk and the inner surface of the limbs, abdomen, chest, and throat. The yang meridians traverse the rougher, darker, hairier surfaces that are found on the posterolateral aspect of the limbs, the back of the trunk, and the head. The yang meridians all begin or end on the face above the mouth, and so this area must also be regarded as part of the yang surface. All referenced authors note that the stomach meridian represents an exception in its pathway over the abdomen and chest.

Although there is no clear reference to the boundaries between the yin and yang surfaces in the literature, their location is determined by the main meridian pathways and can be described with some precision with reference to the underlying anatomy. The following descriptions represent the author’s own assessment.

2. Arms

The yin surface is the anteromedial aspect. This includes the palms and the softer, paler, and less hairy aspect of the forearms and upper arms. The yang surface is the posterolateral aspects that tend to be tougher, darker, and hairier.

The boundaries between the yin and yang regions will be between the large intestine and lung meridians and between the small intestine and heart meridians. In the hands, they can easily be seen as the junction of the red and the white skin very close to the pathways of the lung and small intestine meridians.

In the forearms, the division is more in the texture and hair distribution but is still clear to simple visual inspection. The boundaries can be felt in the underlying anatomy as the sharp borders of the radius and ulna. Once again, it is found very close to the lung and small intestine meridians.

In the upper arm, the division is less clear to the eye but can be traced in the underlying tissues as the medial and lateral intermuscular septa on either side of biceps brachii. The yin surface covers the area between the lateral and medial intermuscular septa, which includes the surface over biceps.

In the shoulder, the anterior margin of the deltoid serves as the anterior boundary between the yin and yang surfaces. This is just lateral to the pathway of the lung meridian. The posterior boundary is the medial edge of triceps as it passes through the posterior axilla, posterior to teres major, and subscapularis. This is closer to the small intestine meridian than the heart meridian.

3. Legs

Although the boundary between the red and white skin is apparent on the feet, only on the lateral aspect does this represent the boundary between the yin and yang surfaces. On the medial aspect, the liver meridian is on the dorsum of the foot, and so the medial boundary must lie between the liver and stomach meridians, that is, between the large toe and the lateral border of the second toe. The yin surface is thus defined as extending from the junction of the red and white skin on the lateral aspect of the foot, over the sole, and around the medial aspect to between the large toe and the second toe.

On the leg and thigh, the yin surface is reduced to a fairly thin strip on the medial aspect. On the leg, the anterior boundary between yin and yang surfaces is defined by the sharp edge of the tibia, between the spleen and stomach meridians. Medially, it can be felt as the septum separating gastrocnemius and soleus (bladder meridian) from the deep posterior muscle compartment (the leg yin meridians).

On the thigh, as with the upper arm, it is tissue boundaries rather than visual landmarks that separate the yin from the yang surfaces. Anteriorly, it is the septum between the quadriceps and the adductor group, between the stomach and spleen meridians. Posteriorly, it is the septum between the adductor group and the hamstrings, between the kidney and bladder meridians.

4. Trunk

On the trunk, there is neither a clear visual nor a palpable junction between what can be termed yin and yang surfaces. The midaxillary line seems to be the logical boundary as no yin meridian passes posterior to it. Awkwardly, two yang meridians traverse the yin surface: the stomach meridian lies anterior to the midaxillary line on the trunk and the gallbladder meridian crosses it in places. The solution taken here is to use the midaxillary line as the boundary and to consider the stomach and gallbladder meridians as anomalies in this area. Porkert makes the observation that the meridian pathways probably predate the application of yin/yang theory to the surface of the body [3].

5. Head and neck

If the Ren meridian is included as a yin meridian, and it should be, then the yin surface can be extended over the throat, terminating below the mouth. The whole head and neck, except for the region below the mouth and around the throat, can be considered part of the yang surface.

6. Summary

When this information is presented graphically (Fig. 1), it is clear that what we normally refer to as the back of the body is essentially part of the yang surface. The soles of the feet, the inner thigh, and the skin over the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle are all that can be seen from the rear and can be considered as part of the yin surface.

Figure 1. The yin and yang surfaces.

The front of the body presents a more complex picture. Much of the anterior thigh and leg are part of the yang surface, as is the face above the mouth, the front of the shoulders over the deltoid muscle, and the seemingly anomalous pathways of the stomach and gallbladder meridians over the chest and abdomen.

7. Evolutionary development

This section contains a brief review of the evolution of the dorsal and ventral surfaces in our own ancestral line.

Dorsal and ventral surfaces are a product of bilateral symmetry. This involves the division into two sidesdleft and right-which are more or less symmetrical. The more complex the body plan, the less perfect the symmetry tends to be. In addition to the left and right halves, animals with bilateral symmetry usually have front and back ends and top (dorsal) and bottom (ventral) halves. These other divisions are not symmetrical.

It seems that bilateral symmetry occurred just once in evolution [20], in the pre-Cambrian seas around 550 million years ago (mya). It is the basis of the vast majority of animal body plans and one of the factors that led to the extraordinarily rapid development of new types of creatures in the Cambrian age (540-485 mya), which is known as the Cambrian explosion [21].

One of the more successful of these body plans was that of the vertebrates, which first appeared in the fossil record as primitive jawless eel-like creatures. These earliest vertebrates evolved around 525 mya [22].

In our line, the next important stage involved the evolution of jaws (435 mya); 420 mya the jawed fish had evolved into four groups of which only two have descendants today. These are the bony and the cartilaginous fishes. The cartilaginous fish became the sharks and rays and the bony fish gave rise, not only to the vast majority of fish today, but also to all the four-limbed land animals, which are classed as tetrapods. These include the fourfooted land animals classed as quadrupeds [23].

Looking at the structure of the primitive fish shown in Fig. 2 it is easy to identify a ventral aspect, which is soft and overlies the internal organs, and a dorsal aspect, which is firmer and covers the bulk of the musculature and includes most of what we would call the face above the mouth. In modern fish, which have retained the same basic body plan, there is often a distinct color difference between the dorsal and ventral aspects, although the transition from one to the other rarely has a well-defined boundary.

Figure 2. Jawless fish.

Bony fish have pelvic and pectoral fins that have ventral and dorsal surfaces that meet at the front and back edges. These edges are known as the preaxial (cephalad) and postaxial (caudal) borders [24]. The muscles on the dorsal aspect elevate the fin and the muscles on the ventral aspect depress the fins [25].

About 420 mya the bony fish evolved into two main groups, namely, the ray-finned fish, the common type of fish familiar to all of us, and the lobe-finned fish [26].

The lobe-finned fish (Fig. 3) were our evolutionary ancestors [27]. They had two pairs of fleshy fins that were supported by internal bones and projected laterally from the body wall.

Figure 3. Lobe-finned fish.

In fishes, forward motion is provided by the axial musculature moving the body and the tail fin from side to side. Around 400 mya, in the Devonian period, the ability of some lobe-finned fish to propel their bodies forward through contact between their fins and the floor of the increasingly common shallow seas or pools became more of an advantage. This selective pressure on fin development resulted in their evolution into structures that could be called limbs rather than fins [28].

The limbs of quadrupeds have a similar bony structure [28]. They are connected to the trunk by an arrangement of bones called a girdle. The upper section of the limb contains one bone (analogous with the humerus in the forelimb and the femur in the hind limb). The lower section contains two bones (analogous with the radius and ulna in the forelimb and the tibia and fibula in the hind limb) and the specialized structures at the ends (analogous with the feet or paws) contain a more varied and complex set of smaller bones (the carpals/tarsals and the phalanges).

The earliest animals with limbs were still entirely aquatic (Fig. 4). Their limbs projected more or less laterally like the fins from which they evolved. They had dorsal and ventral surfaces that were separated by clear preaxial and postaxial borders. The muscles on the dorsal aspect abducted and extended the limb, whereas those on the ventral aspect adduct and flex the limb [25].

Figure 4. Aquatic tetrapod.

A complex mosaic of evolutionary adaptations occurred as our ancestral line became adapted for spending an increasing amount of time out of the water [29]. The changes most pertinent to this discussion were a gradual change in the orientation of the limbs that helped to provide the more powerful locomotion and improved support that were required for an entirely terrestrial existence (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Amphibian.

Instead of projecting laterally, as in the early lobefinned fish, the limbs became more parallel with the body.

The hind limb rotated forward so the knee pointed toward the head (rotation 1 in Fig. 6). Some supination was required to keep the sole of the hindfoot pointing toward the ground.

Figure 6. Reptile.

The forelimb rotated backward so that the elbow pointed more caudally (rotation 2 in Fig. 6). The forefoot (hand) had to pronate to maintain its relationship with the ground, which brought the thumb or radial aspect of the forefoot toward the midline (rotation 3 in Fig. 6).

In both limbs, these changes allowed for the contraction of the extensors in the upper part of the limb and the flexors in the lower part to powerfully propel the body forward.

These changes were already evident in the later aquatic tetrapods and became more pronounced as their descendants evolved to spend more time on land. They can be seen developing in amphibians (evolved around 360 mya), reptiles (340 mya), and mammals (225 mya).

The orientation of the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the head and trunk remained unchanged. Most of what we call the face, including the eyes and the nose, is still dorsal. The region under the mouth is still ventral. The back is still dorsal and the belly, ventral.

In the limbs, however, the various rotations produced changes in the orientation of the surfaces that evolved from the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the lobe-finned fish. In the upper part of the forelimb, the dorsally derived surface faces caudally (backward) and the ventrally derived surface faces more cephalically (forward). In the lower section, due to the pronation that was required to keep the sole facing the ground, the dorsally derived surface faces cephalically and the ventrally derived surface faces caudally. In the hind limb, the dorsally derived surface of both the upper and lower sections face cephalically, whereas the ventrally derived surface faces more medially and caudally [24].

As bodies became bigger, limbs had to provide more support. This was achieved by a migration of both pairs of limbs toward the ventral side of the body [30]. This change is more marked in mammals than reptiles.

The transition to the upright stance of humans involved extension at the hip and knee joints. Although this did not really alter the orientation of the hind limb to the ground, its relation to the head and trunk has changed. What was the dorsal surface of the thigh and leg still points forward but no longer cephalically and what was the ventral surface remains facing toward the medial and posterior aspects but this is no longer in a caudal direction (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Mammal.

What is now the upper limb does undergo some changes in orientation. The arms now hang by the side in the neutral position rather than projecting laterally and the upper section faces toward the back rather than caudally. The pronation that was necessary to keep the palms toward the ground has reversed, and therefore the palms and the soft hairless ventral surface of the forearm and upper arm face forward. The thumb projects laterally rather than medially as in the quadruped.

The many changes in the orientation of dorsal and ventral surfaces in the development of limbs from the early lobed fins were not matched by similar changes in the head. From fish to quadruped, the dorsal surface of the head and face (everything above the mouth) remained oriented in a dorsal direction. With the transition to an upright stance, substantial changes did occur. The head flexed on the neck, bringing the face with the eyes, nose, and mouth to face forward.

6. Summary

When this information is presented graphically (Fig. 1), it is clear that what we normally refer to as the back of the body is essentially part of the yang surface. The soles of the feet, the inner thigh, and the skin over the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle are all that can be seen from the rear and can be considered as part of the yin surface.

Figure 1. The yin and yang surfaces.

The front of the body presents a more complex picture. Much of the anterior thigh and leg are part of the yang surface, as is the face above the mouth, the front of the shoulders over the deltoid muscle, and the seemingly anomalous pathways of the stomach and gallbladder meridians over the chest and abdomen.

9. Embryological development

There are substantial parallels between the evolutionary and embryological development of our limbs with respect to the ventral and dorsal surfaces.

At around 4 weeks, the limb buds grow from the junction of the ventral and dorsal halves and project laterally as happened in early quadrupeds [31]. They have clear dorsal and ventral aspects that are separated by preaxial and postaxial borders [32]. The preaxial border is the junction of the dorsal and ventral aspects on the cephalic side of the limb buds and the postaxial border is the same junction on the caudal side.

In the arms, the preaxial border is destined to run along the thumb and edge of the radius and the postaxial border along the fifth finger and the ulna. In the legs, the preaxial border runs along what will become the big toe, the medial side of the foot, and the tibial border. The postaxial border runs along what will become the fifth toe, lateral foot, and the fibula.

As the embryo develops, the limbs undergo the same rotations that occurred in the evolutionary development, that is, they rotate so that the elbows and arms end up pointing caudally and the knees and thighs cephalically [31]. These changes in orientation continue after birth until the standard anatomical position with fully extended limbs can be held with comfort (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Limb development.

It should be noted that the flexion of the head and the movement of the face that occurred in our evolution does not occur in the developing embryo.

The embryological perspective not only reinforces the relevance of the ventral/dorsal division as it applies to the limbs in our anatomical development, but also provides a sound basis for marking the division in the limbs-the preaxial and postaxial borders.

10. Neurological and muscular relationships

These changes in orientation are not just skin-deep. The underlying tissue organization, including the musculature and its innervations, made similar migrations while retaining the dorsal/ventral divisions inherent in the earlier stages [33]. This makes it more likely that this division has clinical consequences. Needling points on yin meridians will stimulate different pathways and likely have different end points in the nervous system than points on the yang meridians.

The Tables 1 and 2 [36] serve two purposes. First, they emphasize how the dorsal/ventral separation in the limbs extends into the underlying musculature and its innervations.

Exceptions: Brachioradialis evolved from a primitive extensor. Both abductor pollicis brevis and abductor digiti minimi evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..

&md=tbl&idx=1' data-target="#file-modal"">Table 1

Upper limb..

RadialTricepsExtensionDorsalSmall intestine
BrachioradialisFlexionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor carpi radialis longusExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor carpi radialis brevisExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor digitorumExtensionDorsalSanjiao
Extensor indicisExtensionDorsalSanjiao
Extensor carpi ulnarisExtensionDorsalSmall intestine
Abductor pollicis longusAbductionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor pollicis brevisExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor pollicis longusExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
medianPronator teresPronationVentralPericardium
Palmaris longusFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digitorum superficialisFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digitorum profundusFlexionVentralPericardium
Pronator quadratusPronationVentralPericardium
Abductor pollicis brevisAbductionVentralLung
Flexor pollicis brevisFlexionVentralLung
Opponens pollicisFlexionVentralLung
ulnarFlexor carpi ulnarisFlexionVentralHeart
Flexor digitorum profundusFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digiti minimiFlexionVentralHeart
Abductor digiti minimiAbductionVentralSmall intestine

Exceptions: Brachioradialis evolved from a primitive extensor. Both abductor pollicis brevis and abductor digiti minimi evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..

Exceptions: Pectineus is structurally a ventral muscle but is innervated by a nerve with dorsal derivation. That this is an anomaly has been recognized for over 100 years [36]. Both the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi in the foot evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..

&md=tbl&idx=2' data-target="#file-modal"">Table 2

Lower limb..

ObturatorAdductor magnusAdductionVentralKidney
Adductor longusAdductionVentralSpleen
Adductor brevisAdductionVentralLiver
Common peronealShort head bicepsFlexionDorsalBladder
Long head bicepsFlexionVentralBladder
Adductor magnusAdductionVentralKidney
Tibialis posteriorFlexion/inversionVentralSpleen
Flexor hallucis longusFlexionVentralLiver
Flexor digitorum longusFlexionVentralKidney
Superficial peronealPeroneus longusEversionDorsalGallbladder
Peroneus brevisEversionDorsalGallbladder
Deep peronealTibialis anteriorExtension/eversionDorsalStomach
Extensor hallucis longusExtensionDorsalStomach
Extensor digitorum longusExtensionDorsalStomach
Extensor digitorum brevisExtensionDorsalStomach
Plantar nervesAbductor hallucisAbductionVentralSpleen
Flexor digitorum brevisFlexionVentralKidney
Flexor hallucis brevisFlexionVentralLiver
Quadratus plantaeFlexionVentralKidney
Adductor hallucisAdductionVentralLiver
Abductor digiti minimiAbductionVentralGallbladder

Exceptions: Pectineus is structurally a ventral muscle but is innervated by a nerve with dorsal derivation. That this is an anomaly has been recognized for over 100 years [36]. Both the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi in the foot evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..

  • • Muscles with a ventral derivation are innervated by nerves that arise from the anterior division of the ventral ramus of spinal nerves. Each spinal nerve divides into a dorsal and ventral primary ramus after exiting the intervertebral foramen. The dorsal ramus innervates the posterior spinal tissues and the ventral ramus innervates the rest (Fig. 10). The cervical, brachial, femoral, and sacral plexuses are all formed from fibers that are part of the ventral rami.

    Figure 10. Spinal nerve.
  • • Muscles with a dorsal derivation are innervated by nerves arising from the posterior division of the ventral ramus.

Second, they emphasize the strength of the convergence between the concepts of ventral and dorsal derivations, yin and yang movements, and channel sinews (Jingjin). The channel sinews are pathways through the musculotendinous system that are associated with each of the main meridians [34].

  • • Muscles with a ventral derivation perform movements that we can easily define as yin movements. These tend to make the body smaller and denser (e.g., flexion, adduction, internal rotation, inversion). These muscles belong to the yin jingjin.

  • • Muscles with a dorsal derivation perform the more yang movements of extension, abduction, external rotation, and eversion. These muscles belong to the yang jingjin.

There are several exceptions to this rule that are identified by being printed in italics. Most of these are trivial and are explained in the tables. The major exception, printed in bold italics, concerns the leg muscles associated with the bladder jingjin. These have a ventral derivation, perform a yin-type action (flexion) but are associated with a yang jingjin. There is no easy explanation for this anomaly and it remains the major exception to the convergence that is the subject of this paper.

11. Discussion

If the yin/yang surfaces illustrated in Fig. 1 are compared with the surfaces evolved from the dorsal and ventral surfaces of early vertebrate plans illustrated in Fig. 8, it is clear that there is a substantial convergence.

All the arm meridians fit within their respective surfaces, yin meridians travel over ventrally derived surfaces, and yang meridians travel over dorsally derived surfaces.

All the leg yin meridians, apart from a short section of the liver meridian on the foot, travel over ventrally derived surfaces. The leg yang meridians, by contrast, exhibit several deviations from the rule over sections of their pathways-the stomach and gallbladder meridians travel over ventrally derived surfaces on the abdomen and chest, and the bladder meridian travels on the posterior thigh and calf, which is a ventrally derived surface.

Although we are not privy to the thinking behind the development of the meridian system, we can safely assume that this convergence is not merely coincidental. This is not to suggest that the Chinese had an understanding of evolutionary development over 2000 years ago. What is suggested by this convergence is that when the developers of the meridian system were charting the pathways of the meridians, they made distinctions between the surfaces over which the yin and yang meridians traveled. Because these surfaces largely match those that are derived from the ventral and dorsal surfaces of early vertebrate structure, we can assume that they have a substantial basis in our anatomy and they are likely to be clinically relevant.

There are several important implications for this finding.

First, it helps to clarify a fundamental principle and reconcile some of the apparent contradictions in the descriptions of yin and yang surfaces in the literature that were mentioned in the “Introduction” section. References to the front and back of the body and to relative exposure to the sun make more sense when viewed from the context of early tetrapod body plans (e.g., amphibians or reptiles).

Second, it provides a firmer basis for an examination of the location of meridians and points and their relationship to point function. Position or location is one of the most important variables in acupuncture. A point gets its function from its location on the body.

It provides strong support for the proposition that distal points on the yin meridians are likely to affect the yin areas of the body such as the throat, chest, abdomen, and groin and that distal points on the yang meridians are likely to affect the yang areas of the body such as the head and back.

Furthermore, because it shows a substantial and meaningful difference between the two areas or zones, this finding strengthens the likelihood that other traditions regarding the differences between the effects of yin and yang meridians have validity. For instance, the yin meridians are said to have a stronger effect on the interior of the body, particularly the zang. Similarly, points on the yin meridians are said to have qualitatively different effects than those on the yang meridians [35].

By highlighting the relationship between the meridian pathways, our embryological and evolutionary development, and our anatomy, future research into point function can be facilitated.

One relationship is particularly worth mentioning in this context, that is, the relationship of the Tai Yin and Yang Ming meridians to the preaxial border in the limbs. The Tai Yin (lung in the arm and spleen in the leg) and Yang Ming (large intestine in the arm and stomach in the leg) meridians run along either side of what were the preaxial borders in the limbs of the developing embryo. Yang Ming is on the dorsal aspect and Tai Yin on the ventral aspect.

It is worth noting how so many of the most frequently used points in acupuncture practice belong to these meridians: Lu 9, 7, 5, LI 4, 11, Sp 4, 6, 9, St 37, 38, 40, and 36. These points have a reputation for being particularly dynamic. Why is this so? One of the pioneering acupuncturists in the United States, Miriam Lee, wrote a short book that outlined the way various combinations of a core set of points could be used to treat a wide range of conditions. All the points were from Yang Ming and Tai Yin channels (St 36, Sp 6, LI 4, LI 11, and Lu 7).

Third, establishing a sound anatomical basis for the concept of yin and yang surfaces enables the identification of areas in which there appear to be anomalies or exceptions. If we accept as a general principle that yang meridians travel on the yang (dorsally derived) surface and yin meridians travel on the yin (ventrally derived) surface, then several obvious anomalies become apparent.

  • • The stomach meridian (yang) traverses the abdomen and chest, the yin surface of the trunk.

  • • The gallbladder meridian also intrudes a little onto the yin surface of the trunk.

  • • The liver meridian (yin) runs on the dorsum of the foot, which is a yang surface.

  • • The bladder meridian (yang) runs up the posterior aspect of the calf and thigh, which is derived from the ventral surface, and is therefore part of the yin surface. Furthermore, the muscles in this region that are associated with the bladder jingjin are flexors and are innervated from the ventral surface.

While the first three anomalies are interesting and can perhaps be resolved with a little imagination and speculation, the final anomaly is a major one.

Disclosure statement

The author affirms there are no conflicts of interest and the author has no financial interest related to the material of this manuscript.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.The yin and yang surfaces.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 2.

Figure 2.Jawless fish.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 3.

Figure 3.Lobe-finned fish.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 4.

Figure 4.Aquatic tetrapod.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 5.

Figure 5.Amphibian.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 6.

Figure 6.Reptile.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 7.

Figure 7.Mammal.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 8.

Figure 8.Derivations of dorsal and ventral surfaces.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 9.

Figure 9.Limb development.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Fig 10.

Figure 10.Spinal nerve.
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2014; 7: 281-290https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2014.07.003

Table 1 . Upper limb..

RadialTricepsExtensionDorsalSmall intestine
BrachioradialisFlexionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor carpi radialis longusExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor carpi radialis brevisExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor digitorumExtensionDorsalSanjiao
Extensor indicisExtensionDorsalSanjiao
Extensor carpi ulnarisExtensionDorsalSmall intestine
Abductor pollicis longusAbductionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor pollicis brevisExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
Extensor pollicis longusExtensionDorsalLarge intestine
medianPronator teresPronationVentralPericardium
Palmaris longusFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digitorum superficialisFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digitorum profundusFlexionVentralPericardium
Pronator quadratusPronationVentralPericardium
Abductor pollicis brevisAbductionVentralLung
Flexor pollicis brevisFlexionVentralLung
Opponens pollicisFlexionVentralLung
ulnarFlexor carpi ulnarisFlexionVentralHeart
Flexor digitorum profundusFlexionVentralPericardium
Flexor digiti minimiFlexionVentralHeart
Abductor digiti minimiAbductionVentralSmall intestine

Exceptions: Brachioradialis evolved from a primitive extensor. Both abductor pollicis brevis and abductor digiti minimi evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..

Table 2 . Lower limb..

ObturatorAdductor magnusAdductionVentralKidney
Adductor longusAdductionVentralSpleen
Adductor brevisAdductionVentralLiver
Common peronealShort head bicepsFlexionDorsalBladder
Long head bicepsFlexionVentralBladder
Adductor magnusAdductionVentralKidney
Tibialis posteriorFlexion/inversionVentralSpleen
Flexor hallucis longusFlexionVentralLiver
Flexor digitorum longusFlexionVentralKidney
Superficial peronealPeroneus longusEversionDorsalGallbladder
Peroneus brevisEversionDorsalGallbladder
Deep peronealTibialis anteriorExtension/eversionDorsalStomach
Extensor hallucis longusExtensionDorsalStomach
Extensor digitorum longusExtensionDorsalStomach
Extensor digitorum brevisExtensionDorsalStomach
Plantar nervesAbductor hallucisAbductionVentralSpleen
Flexor digitorum brevisFlexionVentralKidney
Flexor hallucis brevisFlexionVentralLiver
Quadratus plantaeFlexionVentralKidney
Adductor hallucisAdductionVentralLiver
Abductor digiti minimiAbductionVentralGallbladder

Exceptions: Pectineus is structurally a ventral muscle but is innervated by a nerve with dorsal derivation. That this is an anomaly has been recognized for over 100 years [36]. Both the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi in the foot evolved from flexors and still retain some flexor ability..


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