Pregnant women at term who referred to the Obstetrics Department of the University Hospital of Modena and Reggio Emilia were enrolled for the study. In our department, women with a single, uneventful pregnancy being classified as low risk according to National Institute for Health and Care Excellence CE guidelines on intrapartum care [20] chose at 36 weeks to deliver at the traditional doctor-led unit or at the Birth Centre, a midwife-led unit opened in 2006 with the mission of encouraging natural birth, avoiding interventions.
In both the cases, an antepartum visit at 36 weeks was planned for the file compilation and vaginal swab examination, and enrollment for the study was proposed on such an occasion. The nonstress test was planned at 40, 41, and 41 + 3 weeks and amniotic fluid index evaluation at 41 and 41 + 3 weeks. According to local guidelines, labor induction for prolonged pregnancy was offered at 41 + 5 weeks.
Inclusion criteria considered were as follows: low-risk singleton pregnancy, intact membranes, cephalic fetal presentation, and gestational age >40 + 2 weeks, as estimated by ultrasound before the 12th week. Exclusion criteria considered were as follows: maternal or fetal disorders, previous uterine surgery, contraindications to vaginal delivery, and Bishop score >4 at inclusion.
After oral consent to participate in the study was obtained, women were allocated to receive acupuncture and acupressure or the standard care on the basis of their preference. This choice is made because of the difficulty in preparing a randomization list considering that in our past experience, the women often refused the possibility of being allocated to the observation arm. Such a method of randomization certainly represents a bias for the study but avoids drop out because of refused allocation.
In the acupuncture group, women had acupuncture session every odd day starting from 40 + 2 weeks up to 41 + 4 weeks, and controls received standard care.
Other labor induction indications considered were prelabor rupture of membranes lasting 24 hours or 12 hours (without or with Streptococcus B Group vaginal swab colonization), amniotic fluid index lower than 4 cm or not reassuring nonstress test.
The acupuncture session (performed by a licensed acupuncturist, I.N., and F.F.) consisted of the insertion of sterile, disposable 0.30- to 4-mm acupuncture needles (Huanqiu; Qiu Tian, San Marino); after reaching the De Qi sensation, needles were left in situ for 40–45 minutes. During the session, women were positioned in a comfortable, quiet room.
Following Traditional Chinese Medicine indications, we stimulated acupoints indicated to enhance uterine activity, ripe the cervix, or relax the muscles and reduce anxiety [3]. Hegu Large Intestine 4 is located in the middle of the first interosseous muscle of the hand, and the needle is inserted to a depth of 1–2 cun. It is claimed to improve uterine contractions. Sanyinjiao Spleen 6 is located 3 cun above the medial malleoli, and the needle is inserted to a depth of 1.5–2.5 cun. It is claimed to promote the ripening of the cervix and to promote uterine contractions. Zhusanli Stomach 36 is located 3 cun above the tip of the medial malleoli on the medial border of the tibia, and the needle is inserted to a depth of 1–2 cun. It is able to improve circulation in the pelvic organs and is employed in several acupuncture formula. Thaichong Liver 3 is located in the foot, in the interosseous muscle between the first and second toe, and the needle is inserted to a depth of 0.2–0.5 cun. It is used in particular to resolve the liver Qi stagnation. Zhiyin Bladder 67 is located on the dorsal (upper) surface of the small toe (the fifth toe, digitus minimus) lateral and proximal to the nail. Jian Jing Gallbladder 21 is located on the shoulder, directly above the nipple, at the midpoint of the line connecting DU 14 and the acromion. Feng Shi Gallbladder 31 is on the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease. When the patient is standing erect with the hands hanging down close to the sides, the point is where the tip of the middle finger touches.
The t test was used to compare continuous variables, and χ2 was used to compare relative frequencies. Data are reported as mean ± standard deviation. A p value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.