Review Article

Exploring Acupuncture Actions in the Body and Brain
Acupuncture and Meridian Science Research Center, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2022; 15(3): 157-162
Published June 30, 2022
Copyright © Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute.
Acupuncture treatment has been tested and clinically validated in many diseases [1,2]. Acupuncture’s actions have been traditionally explained based on the meridian theory. The original concept of meridians is a path for the flow of
Functional brain imaging techniques have clarified the neural mechanisms underlying acupuncture actions [9,10]. Meta-analyses of neuroimaging studies have shown that acupuncture stimulation produces common brain activations in the sensorimotor cortical network and deactivations in the limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network [9,11]. In addition, acupuncture treatment at disease-implicated acupoints modulates the activity of the disease-related neural pathways, indicating that alterations in regional brain activity may mediate the therapeutic effects on target organs [12]. The literature regarding neuroimaging on acupuncture has steadily increased [13], and acupoint specificity has been explored in many studies [14-16]. However, despite decades of efforts, acupoint specificity has not been fully supported by biomedical approaches [17,18].
The origin of the meridian system is closely associated with acupuncture’s treatment effects and serves as an empirical reference in the clinical setting [19]. Thus, knowledge regarding the origin and clinical significance of the meridian system should precede understanding acupuncture’s mechanism of action in humans [19]. Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate a particular part of the body, called acupoints, for treatment. The core principle of the meridian system is connections between different body areas (e.g., hand–head), between organs (e.g., heart–small intestine), and between body parts and organs (e.g., visceral organs–back). In addition, meridians are associated with disease-specific treatment sites [20] and have been widely used to explain the remote effects of acupuncture treatment [3]. For example, the observation of many acupoints along a certain “line” sharing similar indications led acupuncture practitioners to categorize them based on their locations [20]. The meridian system represents constellations of acupoints that have common therapeutic effects for specific symptoms in the body. Taken together, the meridian system can help to identify spatial patterns of symptoms in the body and in selection of relevant acupoints. However, there has been no discussion of how acupuncture affects the body and brain in the context of the meridian system’s original meaning.
This review discusses how acupuncture affects the body and the brain. The importance of acupuncture’s actions in the body should be considered from the perspective of the whole system, which revisits the meaning of the meridian system. With data science technology, new trends in acupuncture research are emerging. This article will discuss current trends in acupuncture research as well as potential future directions.
1. Effects of acupuncture on the body
In traditional East Asian medicine, acupuncture practitioners’ medical decisions are typically based on a clinical interview, physical examination, pattern identification of symptoms and signs, diagnosis, and prescription of appropriate acupoints [21,22]. The underlying principle in acupoint selection is mainly based on the meridian system, which has common clinical implications regarding the constellations of acupoints [3,23]. Visualization of acupoints and meridians on the human body surface is achieved by relying on ancient infographics of the associations between treatment at each point and the subsequent clinical outcome changes [19,20], and remains a valuable approach in meridian studies [24-27].
The application of data science technology to clinical research on acupuncture treatment shows that a theoretical model of the indications of acupoints is associated with the meridian lines [24,27]. The essence of the meridian system can help explore point specificity at the whole-body level during acupuncture treatment. In previous studies, this approach required reliable and meaningful clinical data that included details of acupuncture interventions and clinical outcomes. Abundant clinical data regarding acupuncture treatment is available from bibliographical data or medical records. When the acupoints are analyzed using modern methodologies, the meridian theory should be updated and developed to reflect changes in technology and accumulated medical experiences.
2. Spatial patterns of acupoint indications based on the literature
The meridian system is an empirical reference in acupuncture. Based on quantitative clinical data, the most frequently used acupoints are BL23, BL25, BL40, and BL60 in the treatment of low back pain, which indicates that the bladder meridian and its key points are widely used to treat low back pain. The acupoints were depicted based on the frequency of their use, and biomedical information can provide interpretable maps of which acupoints are most useful to treat low back pain [19,20]. Lee et al. determined how acupoints have been used together for the treatment of low back pain, and network analysis for combinations of acupoints showed the principle of acupuncture combination, which is a basic clinical skill for effective acupuncture treatment [20].
In several studies, data mining algorithms were used to determine the patterns of symptoms and treatment methods within various fields of research [28]. Using term frequency-inverse document frequency methods, the spatial patterns of the indications of each acupoint in the classical Korean medical text are visualized on a body map [3,29]. For example, acupoints on the Hand-Yang meridian are associated with the head, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth, and acupoints on the Hand-Ying meridian are associated with the heart and chest area [3]. However, the available spatial information for the body in the literature is limited because there is minimal detailed information regarding the spatial location from large-scale clinical investigations.
3. Spatial patterns of acupoint indications based on clinical data
Acupoints have both specific and non-specific indications [25,27]. These indications are primarily established based on the meridian theory, meaning they have spatial patterns of symptoms in the human body. As meridian also concerns delivering sensations, disease-related sensations are also important in acupoint indications. In a recent study, 75 patients with chronic pain were asked to sketch the localization of their symptoms on body schemes using the Bodily Sensation Map [30]. Combining the selected acupoints and symptom maps, the statistical parameters of the associations between acupoints and spatial symptom information were estimated. The spatial indication patterns of the representative acupoints on the human body template were further visualized. The first group of patterns was distant from the location of the acupoint and strongly associated with the corresponding meridian’s route. The second group of patterns was near the acupoint location, the majority of which were located in the trunk. Extensive investigations of the spatial patterns of acupoint indications combined with the Bodily Sensation Map would be a novel way to explain the point specificity of acupuncture treatment based on the meridian system (Fig. 1) [30].
Figure 1.Acupuncture action in the body and brain. Spatial patterns of the indications of an acupoint (the SI3 acupoint) using the Bodily Sensation Map tool. Common brain responses to acupuncture stimulation. Data were modified from previous studies [9,30].
Machine learning techniques can be used to determine the association between the symptoms and acupoints without explicit structural knowledge [21]. Implicit knowledge using large-scale clinical data can guide practitioners to appropriate acupoints for specific patients.
1. Brain activation patterns to acupuncture stimuli
Several convergent neuroimaging results have expanded the understanding of neural mechanisms of acupuncture in the brain [13]. Research on acupuncture from neuroimaging methods is categorized as follows: (1) studies on the correlation between treatment effects of specific acupoints and corresponding brain activities; (2) studies on the effects of different locations of acupuncture stimulation (acupoint versus non-acupoint or one acupoint versus another acupoint) on neural activity patterns; and (3) studies on the changes in brain activity after long-term acupuncture treatment [10]. Stimulations at different acupoints elicit overlapping brain responses in cortical and subcortical brain regions, including activation in the sensorimotor cortical network and deactivation in the limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network [9,11]. However, psychosocial factors, such as expectation and context, also contribute to brain activity following acupuncture stimulation [31,32]. The scientific evidence for the neural signatures of acupuncture in humans requires further evaluation.
2. Top-down modulation of acupuncture treatment
The sensations induced by acupuncture rely on the bottom-up signals from various receptors located on the skin and the reciprocal interaction of top-down modulation of the brain upon stimulation [33]. For example, in a recent study, cutaneous electrical stimulation resulted in greater
The effects of acupuncture stimulation without peripheral inputs might be associated with imagination (if the participants successfully imagined the treatment being applied to their body) or vicarious sensations (if the participants failed to imagine that the treatment was applied to them but instead felt what the person in the video was supposed to feel). Accentuated bodily attention-related brain responses are highly associated with salient components of acupuncture analgesia [39]. Even without any physical stimulations to the body, enhanced attention around a certain part of the body results in activations in the salient interoceptive-autonomic network and deactivation in the brain’s default mode network [40]. In Western medical acupuncture, which involves needle insertion based on current knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology [41], traditional theories are not considered necessary. However, the importance of acupuncture in the body must be considered from a whole-system perspective.
3. Placebo acupuncture
Understanding the neurological substrates and mechanisms underlying the effects of acupuncture allows for its integration into modern medicine. Acupuncture can be a complex intervention that incorporates more than just a needling process [42], and can be a multimodal sensory stimulation that interacts with various factors [43]. Biological approaches have resulted in various cognitive components of acupuncture treatments, including treatment expectations, which influence the physiological responses and clinical effects of acupuncture treatment. Understanding the neural underpinnings of the cognitive components of acupuncture treatment may further scientific investigation of the effects and underlying mechanisms of acupuncture. Conversely, in terms of biomedical knowledge, placebo acupuncture should not be disregarded, but scientific knowledge of this phenomenon is currently lacking [44,45].
Acupuncture treatment can effectively stimulate certain parts of the body and induce
Both acupuncture and placebo needles can induce sensations around certain parts of the body [40,47]. In a qualitative interview study, patients treated with placebo needles described enhanced touch sensations, including warmth, tingling, or flowing [48]. Focus on a particular bodily location can have dynamic attentional filtering effects on early sensory cortices, even before the area is directly touched [46]. Because the placebo needles elicit enhanced touch sensations associated with an embodied healing mechanism, these sensations could further influence the patient’s interpretation of a specific stimulus and the process as a whole [48]. As acupuncture functions as a somatosensory-guided mind-body therapy, placebo needles could similarly enhance bodily attention around the site and exert potential actions through endogenous pain modulation in the brain [44].
In summary, the significance of the meridian system should be explored based on its original meaning, interconnections between particular diseases and acupuncture sites, and somatic sensations associated with treatments and diseases regardless of anatomical or biological features. Investigating the principles of the meridians provides a better understanding of acupoint selection, which can improve clinical efficacy.
This research was supported by the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (no. KSN1812181) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1F1A1046705).
ISL and YC conceived the study ideas and drafted the manuscript.
No ethical approval was required for this manuscript as this study did not include human subjects or laboratory animals.
Not applicable.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- Lee IS, Chae Y. A bibliometric analysis of acupuncture research trends in
Acupuncture in Medicine . Acupunct Med 2019;37:375-7. - Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain: individual patient data meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2012;172:1444-53.
- Jung WM, Lee T, Lee IS, Kim S, Jang H, Kim SY, et al. Spatial patterns of the indications of acupoints using data mining in classic medical text: a possible visualization of the meridian system. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015;2015:457071.
- Jung WM, Shim W, Lee T, Park HJ, Ryu Y, Beissner F, et al. More than
DeQi : spatial patterns of acupuncture-induced bodily sensations. Front Neurosci 2016;10:462. - Ahn AC, Colbert AP, Anderson BJ, Martinsen OG, Hammerschlag R, Cina S, et al. Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: a systematic review. Bioelec. tromagnetics 2008;29:245-56.
- Langevin HM. Acupuncture, connective tissue, and peripheral sensory modulation. Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr 2014;24:249-53.
- Ma SX. Nitric oxide signaling molecules in acupoints: toward mechanisms of acupuncture. Chin J Integr Med 2017;23:812-5.
- Kim DH, Ryu Y, Hahm DH, Sohn BY, Shim I, Kwon OS, et al. Acupuncture points can be identified as cutaneous neurogenic inflammatory spots. Sci Rep 2017;7:15214.
- Chae Y, Chang DS, Lee SH, Jung WM, Lee IS, Jackson S, et al. Inserting needles into the body: a meta-analysis of brain activity associated with acupuncture needle stimulation. J Pain 2013;14:215-22.
- Chae Y, Park HJ, Hahm DH, Hong M, Ha E, Park HK, et al. fMRI review on brain responses to acupuncture: the limitations and possibilities in traditional Korean acupuncture. Neurol Res 2007;29 Suppl 1:S42-8.
- Huang W, Pach D, Napadow V, Park K, Long X, Neumann J, et al. Characterizing acupuncture stimuli using brain imaging with FMRI--a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. PLoS One 2012;7:e32960.
- Li LL, Liu XW, Wu F, Tong DC, Ye LP, Tao HX, et al. Electroacupuncture stimulation of language-implicated acupoint Tongli (HT 5) in healthy subjects: an fMRI evaluation study. Chin J Integr Med 2018;24:822-9.
- Zhang J, Zhang Y, Hu L, Huang X, Liu Y, Li J, et al. Global trends and performances of magnetic resonance imaging studies on acupuncture: a bibliometric analysis. Front Neurosci 2021;14:620555.
- Jung WM, Lee IS, Lee YS, Kim J, Park HJ, Wallraven C, et al. Decoding spatial location of perceived pain to acupuncture needle using multivoxel pattern analysis. Mol Pain 2019;15:1744806919877060.
- Lee IS, Jung WM, Park HJ, Chae Y. Spatial information of somatosensory stimuli in the brain: multivariate pattern analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Neural Plast 2020;2020:8307580.
- Qiu K, Yin T, Hong X, Sun R, He Z, Liu X, et al. Does the acupoint specificity exist? Evidence from functional neuroimaging studies. Curr Med Imaging 2020;16:629-38.
- Chae Y. Acupuncture and brain imaging: what do we have to consider? Acupunct Med 2012;30:250-1.
- Choi EM, Jiang F, Longhurst JC. Point specificity in acupuncture. Chin Med 2012;7:4.
- Lee SH, Lee IS, Jo HJ, Jung WM, Lee AR, Kim SY, et al. A history of visualization for biomedical information of meridian. Korean J Acupunct 2012;29:371-84.
- Lee IS, Lee SH, Kim SY, Lee H, Park HJ, Chae Y. Visualization of the meridian system based on biomedical information about acupuncture treatment. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013;2013:872142.
- Jung WM, Park IS, Lee YS, Kim CE, Lee H, Hahm DH, et al. Characterization of hidden rules linking symptoms and selection of acupoint using an artificial neural network model. Front Med 2019;13:112-20.
- Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC, Hogeboom CJ. The diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic low-back pain by traditional Chinese medical acupuncturists. J Altern Complement Med 2001;7:641-50.
- Lee IS, Ryu Y, Chae Y. The principle of acupoint selection based on branch and root treatment. Korean J Acupunct 2020;37:203-8.
- Hwang YC, Lee IS, Ryu Y, Lee YS, Chae Y. Identification of acupoint indication from reverse inference: data mining of randomized controlled clinical trials. J Clin Med 2020;9:3027.
- Hwang YC, Lee YS, Ryu Y, Lee IS, Chae Y. Statistical inference of acupoint specificity: forward and reverse inference. Integr Med Res 2020;9:17-20.
- Lee YS, Ryu Y, Chae Y. Acupoint selection based on pattern identification results or disease state. Integr Med Res 2020;9:100405.
- Lee YS, Ryu Y, Yoon DE, Kim CH, Hong G, Hwang YC, et al. Commonality and specificity of acupuncture point selections. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020;2020:2948292.
- Lee T, Jung WM, Lee IS, Lee YS, Lee H, Park HJ, et al. Data mining of acupoint characteristics from the classical medical text: DongUiBoGam of Korean medicine. Evid Based Comple. ment Alternat Med 2014;2014:329563.
- Chae Y, Ryu Y, Jung WM. An analysis of indications of meridians in DongUiBoGam using data mining. Korean J Acupunct 2019;36:292-9.
- Jung WM, Lee SH, Lee YS, Chae Y. Exploring spatial patterns of acupoint indications from clinical data: a STROBE-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017;96:e6768.
- Bishop FL, Lewith GT. A review of psychosocial predictors of treatment outcomes: what factors might determine the clinical success of acupuncture for pain? J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2008;1:1-12.
- Lee IS, Wallraven C, Kong J, Chang DS, Lee H, Park HJ, et al. When pain is not only pain: inserting needles into the body evokes distinct reward-related brain responses in the context of a treatment. Physiol Behav 2015;140:148-55.
- Chae Y, Lee IS, Jung WM, Park K, Park HJ, Wallraven C. Psychophysical and neurophysiological responses to acupuncture stimulation to incorporated rubber hand. Neurosci Lett 2015;591:48-52.
- Jung WM, Ryu Y, Park HJ, Lee H, Chae Y. Brain activation during the expectations of sensory experience for cutaneous electrical stimulation. Neuroimage Clin 2018;19:982-9.
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Related articles in JAMS

Review Article
J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2022; 15(3): 157-162
Published online June 30, 2022
Copyright © Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute.
Exploring Acupuncture Actions in the Body and Brain
Acupuncture and Meridian Science Research Center, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Younbyoung Chae
Acupuncture and Meridian Science Research Center, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Acupuncture’s actions have been explained by biomedical research. However, the meridian system used in acupuncture needs further clarification. This review describes how acupuncture affects the body and brain. From the perspective of traditional East Asian medicine, the meridian system is closely connected with acupuncture’s treatment effects. In the body, the indications of acupoints, primarily established based on the meridian system, have spatial symptom patterns. Spatial patterns of acupoint indications are distant from the stimulated sites and strongly associated with the corresponding meridian’s route. Understanding how acupuncture works based on the original meridian system is important. From a neuroscience perspective, an acupuncture-induced sensation originates from the bottom-up action of simple needling in the peripheral receptor and the reciprocal interaction with top-down brain modulation. In the brain, enhanced bodily attention triggered by acupuncture stimulation can activate the salience network and deactivate the default mode network regardless of the actual stimulation. The application of data science technology to acupuncture research may provide new tools to uncover the principles of acupoint selection and enhance the clinical efficacy of acupuncture treatment in various diseases.
Keywords: Acupuncture, Body, Brain, Map, Meridian, Placebo
Acupuncture treatment has been tested and clinically validated in many diseases [1,2]. Acupuncture’s actions have been traditionally explained based on the meridian theory. The original concept of meridians is a path for the flow of
Functional brain imaging techniques have clarified the neural mechanisms underlying acupuncture actions [9,10]. Meta-analyses of neuroimaging studies have shown that acupuncture stimulation produces common brain activations in the sensorimotor cortical network and deactivations in the limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network [9,11]. In addition, acupuncture treatment at disease-implicated acupoints modulates the activity of the disease-related neural pathways, indicating that alterations in regional brain activity may mediate the therapeutic effects on target organs [12]. The literature regarding neuroimaging on acupuncture has steadily increased [13], and acupoint specificity has been explored in many studies [14-16]. However, despite decades of efforts, acupoint specificity has not been fully supported by biomedical approaches [17,18].
The origin of the meridian system is closely associated with acupuncture’s treatment effects and serves as an empirical reference in the clinical setting [19]. Thus, knowledge regarding the origin and clinical significance of the meridian system should precede understanding acupuncture’s mechanism of action in humans [19]. Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate a particular part of the body, called acupoints, for treatment. The core principle of the meridian system is connections between different body areas (e.g., hand–head), between organs (e.g., heart–small intestine), and between body parts and organs (e.g., visceral organs–back). In addition, meridians are associated with disease-specific treatment sites [20] and have been widely used to explain the remote effects of acupuncture treatment [3]. For example, the observation of many acupoints along a certain “line” sharing similar indications led acupuncture practitioners to categorize them based on their locations [20]. The meridian system represents constellations of acupoints that have common therapeutic effects for specific symptoms in the body. Taken together, the meridian system can help to identify spatial patterns of symptoms in the body and in selection of relevant acupoints. However, there has been no discussion of how acupuncture affects the body and brain in the context of the meridian system’s original meaning.
This review discusses how acupuncture affects the body and the brain. The importance of acupuncture’s actions in the body should be considered from the perspective of the whole system, which revisits the meaning of the meridian system. With data science technology, new trends in acupuncture research are emerging. This article will discuss current trends in acupuncture research as well as potential future directions.
1. Effects of acupuncture on the body
In traditional East Asian medicine, acupuncture practitioners’ medical decisions are typically based on a clinical interview, physical examination, pattern identification of symptoms and signs, diagnosis, and prescription of appropriate acupoints [21,22]. The underlying principle in acupoint selection is mainly based on the meridian system, which has common clinical implications regarding the constellations of acupoints [3,23]. Visualization of acupoints and meridians on the human body surface is achieved by relying on ancient infographics of the associations between treatment at each point and the subsequent clinical outcome changes [19,20], and remains a valuable approach in meridian studies [24-27].
The application of data science technology to clinical research on acupuncture treatment shows that a theoretical model of the indications of acupoints is associated with the meridian lines [24,27]. The essence of the meridian system can help explore point specificity at the whole-body level during acupuncture treatment. In previous studies, this approach required reliable and meaningful clinical data that included details of acupuncture interventions and clinical outcomes. Abundant clinical data regarding acupuncture treatment is available from bibliographical data or medical records. When the acupoints are analyzed using modern methodologies, the meridian theory should be updated and developed to reflect changes in technology and accumulated medical experiences.
2. Spatial patterns of acupoint indications based on the literature
The meridian system is an empirical reference in acupuncture. Based on quantitative clinical data, the most frequently used acupoints are BL23, BL25, BL40, and BL60 in the treatment of low back pain, which indicates that the bladder meridian and its key points are widely used to treat low back pain. The acupoints were depicted based on the frequency of their use, and biomedical information can provide interpretable maps of which acupoints are most useful to treat low back pain [19,20]. Lee et al. determined how acupoints have been used together for the treatment of low back pain, and network analysis for combinations of acupoints showed the principle of acupuncture combination, which is a basic clinical skill for effective acupuncture treatment [20].
In several studies, data mining algorithms were used to determine the patterns of symptoms and treatment methods within various fields of research [28]. Using term frequency-inverse document frequency methods, the spatial patterns of the indications of each acupoint in the classical Korean medical text are visualized on a body map [3,29]. For example, acupoints on the Hand-Yang meridian are associated with the head, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth, and acupoints on the Hand-Ying meridian are associated with the heart and chest area [3]. However, the available spatial information for the body in the literature is limited because there is minimal detailed information regarding the spatial location from large-scale clinical investigations.
3. Spatial patterns of acupoint indications based on clinical data
Acupoints have both specific and non-specific indications [25,27]. These indications are primarily established based on the meridian theory, meaning they have spatial patterns of symptoms in the human body. As meridian also concerns delivering sensations, disease-related sensations are also important in acupoint indications. In a recent study, 75 patients with chronic pain were asked to sketch the localization of their symptoms on body schemes using the Bodily Sensation Map [30]. Combining the selected acupoints and symptom maps, the statistical parameters of the associations between acupoints and spatial symptom information were estimated. The spatial indication patterns of the representative acupoints on the human body template were further visualized. The first group of patterns was distant from the location of the acupoint and strongly associated with the corresponding meridian’s route. The second group of patterns was near the acupoint location, the majority of which were located in the trunk. Extensive investigations of the spatial patterns of acupoint indications combined with the Bodily Sensation Map would be a novel way to explain the point specificity of acupuncture treatment based on the meridian system (Fig. 1) [30].
Figure 1. Acupuncture action in the body and brain. Spatial patterns of the indications of an acupoint (the SI3 acupoint) using the Bodily Sensation Map tool. Common brain responses to acupuncture stimulation. Data were modified from previous studies [9,30].
Machine learning techniques can be used to determine the association between the symptoms and acupoints without explicit structural knowledge [21]. Implicit knowledge using large-scale clinical data can guide practitioners to appropriate acupoints for specific patients.
1. Brain activation patterns to acupuncture stimuli
Several convergent neuroimaging results have expanded the understanding of neural mechanisms of acupuncture in the brain [13]. Research on acupuncture from neuroimaging methods is categorized as follows: (1) studies on the correlation between treatment effects of specific acupoints and corresponding brain activities; (2) studies on the effects of different locations of acupuncture stimulation (acupoint versus non-acupoint or one acupoint versus another acupoint) on neural activity patterns; and (3) studies on the changes in brain activity after long-term acupuncture treatment [10]. Stimulations at different acupoints elicit overlapping brain responses in cortical and subcortical brain regions, including activation in the sensorimotor cortical network and deactivation in the limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network [9,11]. However, psychosocial factors, such as expectation and context, also contribute to brain activity following acupuncture stimulation [31,32]. The scientific evidence for the neural signatures of acupuncture in humans requires further evaluation.
2. Top-down modulation of acupuncture treatment
The sensations induced by acupuncture rely on the bottom-up signals from various receptors located on the skin and the reciprocal interaction of top-down modulation of the brain upon stimulation [33]. For example, in a recent study, cutaneous electrical stimulation resulted in greater
The effects of acupuncture stimulation without peripheral inputs might be associated with imagination (if the participants successfully imagined the treatment being applied to their body) or vicarious sensations (if the participants failed to imagine that the treatment was applied to them but instead felt what the person in the video was supposed to feel). Accentuated bodily attention-related brain responses are highly associated with salient components of acupuncture analgesia [39]. Even without any physical stimulations to the body, enhanced attention around a certain part of the body results in activations in the salient interoceptive-autonomic network and deactivation in the brain’s default mode network [40]. In Western medical acupuncture, which involves needle insertion based on current knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology [41], traditional theories are not considered necessary. However, the importance of acupuncture in the body must be considered from a whole-system perspective.
3. Placebo acupuncture
Understanding the neurological substrates and mechanisms underlying the effects of acupuncture allows for its integration into modern medicine. Acupuncture can be a complex intervention that incorporates more than just a needling process [42], and can be a multimodal sensory stimulation that interacts with various factors [43]. Biological approaches have resulted in various cognitive components of acupuncture treatments, including treatment expectations, which influence the physiological responses and clinical effects of acupuncture treatment. Understanding the neural underpinnings of the cognitive components of acupuncture treatment may further scientific investigation of the effects and underlying mechanisms of acupuncture. Conversely, in terms of biomedical knowledge, placebo acupuncture should not be disregarded, but scientific knowledge of this phenomenon is currently lacking [44,45].
Acupuncture treatment can effectively stimulate certain parts of the body and induce
Both acupuncture and placebo needles can induce sensations around certain parts of the body [40,47]. In a qualitative interview study, patients treated with placebo needles described enhanced touch sensations, including warmth, tingling, or flowing [48]. Focus on a particular bodily location can have dynamic attentional filtering effects on early sensory cortices, even before the area is directly touched [46]. Because the placebo needles elicit enhanced touch sensations associated with an embodied healing mechanism, these sensations could further influence the patient’s interpretation of a specific stimulus and the process as a whole [48]. As acupuncture functions as a somatosensory-guided mind-body therapy, placebo needles could similarly enhance bodily attention around the site and exert potential actions through endogenous pain modulation in the brain [44].
In summary, the significance of the meridian system should be explored based on its original meaning, interconnections between particular diseases and acupuncture sites, and somatic sensations associated with treatments and diseases regardless of anatomical or biological features. Investigating the principles of the meridians provides a better understanding of acupoint selection, which can improve clinical efficacy.
This research was supported by the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (no. KSN1812181) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1F1A1046705).
ISL and YC conceived the study ideas and drafted the manuscript.
No ethical approval was required for this manuscript as this study did not include human subjects or laboratory animals.
Not applicable.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Fig 1.

There is no Table.
- Lee IS, Chae Y. A bibliometric analysis of acupuncture research trends in
Acupuncture in Medicine . Acupunct Med 2019;37:375-7. - Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain: individual patient data meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2012;172:1444-53.
- Jung WM, Lee T, Lee IS, Kim S, Jang H, Kim SY, et al. Spatial patterns of the indications of acupoints using data mining in classic medical text: a possible visualization of the meridian system. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015;2015:457071.
- Jung WM, Shim W, Lee T, Park HJ, Ryu Y, Beissner F, et al. More than
DeQi : spatial patterns of acupuncture-induced bodily sensations. Front Neurosci 2016;10:462. - Ahn AC, Colbert AP, Anderson BJ, Martinsen OG, Hammerschlag R, Cina S, et al. Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: a systematic review. Bioelec. tromagnetics 2008;29:245-56.
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